Friday, September 16, 2011

Missing Baseball...

As we prepare to attend the high school football game tonight, I'm reminded that baseball season is over. Actually, Little League is over for Blake. I miss baseball. We did enjoy his summer with the all-star team.

I loved seeing him pitch on our home field during a local tournament.

He gets so focused and into his game.
It's hard to believe that eight years ago, I wasn't a fan of baseball. Thanks to this kid (and the one that would follow three years later), I now live for baseball season!Blake sure doesn't hold back his emotions!

After pitching, he played first for a bit, too. Check out that stretch!
Have I mentioned how much I love this kid? Unfortunately, we took 2nd place in this tournament. But Mom's happy whenever we bring home hardware.
Little League is OFFICIALLY over.

I miss baseball...

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